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Friday 6 September 2019

Water Damage Cleanup In Sarasota

Posted by at 9:00 AM

Whether it be from a bad storm or a full-out hurricane, water can certainly wreak havoc on our property down here in Florida. Water damage cleanup in Sarasota is not something to take lightly. The water removal technicians you choose could mean the difference between a completely ruined home and a restored one.

Water damage clean up might entail many different things, depending on the type of water damage you’re dealing with. Water cleanup experts have often categorized water damage three different ways – white, gray, and black.

White Water Damage

When water damage cleanup experts refer to “white” water, they’re often referring to water that’s clean. This might be a burst pipe or rain water leaking through a hole in your roof. Obviously, since the water is more or less clean, there won’t be as many microbes in it, resulting in an easier clean up. For this type of water damage in Sarasota, a heavy-duty water extractor machine is often used.

However, even though it’s “clean water,” it’s important to act quickly in cleaning it up, because if it’s been standing for more than a day, it can start to become hazardous to your health – carpets and drywall ought to be address immediately.

Gray Water Damage

After about 24 hours of standing, white water can actually become gray water. Gray water can also possess its color due to the source from which it originally came.

For example, if a washing machine were to overflow, you’d have gray water, as the clothes would be in the process of becoming clean, and there would still be dirt and contaminants in the mix. If you have to wait a little bit for the water damage cleanup technicians to arrive at your home, it’s okay for you to start cleaning up on your own. But, it’s crucial that you wear rubber gloves to avoid getting sick.

Black Water Damage

Now, as you probably suspected, black water damage is the most severe type of water damage your home can endure. Hurricanes often bring black water damage as the hurricane carries a hodgepodge of debris – including dirt and other elements carrying bacterial diseases, chemicals, pesticides, and others. Also, as you might have guessed, sewage damage is another root of black water.

If your home has been stricken by black water damage, under no circumstances should you attempt to repair it on your own. When you first discover the wreckage, it’s vital that you call a professional – they have the know-how and the high-tech equipment to adequately deal with the problem.

A black water issue is not one that’ll be taken care of in a few hours with a simple device. More often than not, ridding a home of black water damage requires many hours of work, as well as a multi-faceted approach, using a couple different pieces of equipment. Good technicians will usually employ a few different water moisture meters to gauge their progress in removing the bad water. This is a proven empirical way of finding out whether or not the technicians are really making progress with their work.

Color Can Be Deceptive

It’s important to note that that the color of the water doesn’t always signify the actual type of water damage that it is – these terms are just used to gauge the level of contamination. For instance, rain water may appear clear and clean, but there may be hidden contaminants. This is why it’s so crucial to contact a professional, the moment you’re experiencing water damage issues.

Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us Today

The well-being of your homes depends on its interior remaining completely dry and uncontaminated. Leave that to us – call now!